Deadline & Theme
The deadline is now CLOSED. Check back here soon for a new theme and deadline date!
What to submit
All work must be your own creation
- Short stories and flash fiction
- Poetry
- Songs/lyrics
- Book/short story/poetry reviews
- Writing tips
- Writing exercises
- Creative articles on the subject of synaesthesia
- Photography
- Illustrations
- Cartoons
- Sketches
- Paintings
- Digital design.
- We like interviews. If you have experience with synaesthesia or know someone who has - send them our way! If you think you'd be an interesting candidate to interview, tell us why.
- We can accept already published work, as long as you have permission from the publisher/author/copyright owners, and we have proof.
- Nothing is off-limits. No, really. As long as it's your own work, there is no restriction on genre, style, format... so long as it's in English.
- Anyone can submit, so long as the work is your own creation.
- Use synaesthesia. Confuse your senses. It can only go in your favour if your submission is either synaesthesia-related, or evokes a sense of synaesthesia. Have a read of our What is synaesthesia? page, if you're unsure what that entails.
Submission requirements
- All submissions must correspond to the current theme. No matter how great your submission is, if it has nothing to do with our theme, we just cannot accept it. If we're impressed, we may keep it for a future issue - if the theme corresponds. But you may have to send in your submission again, because not all of us are elephants.
- We can accept up to four (4) submissions per person; 1500/2000 words for short stories, 1000 words maximum for articles, reviews, writers' tips etc, and go wild with poetry (not Paradise Lost wild..).
- All submissions must be sent to: No regular post, because we have no address.
- All submissions must include a 3-4 line author bio in third person. Nothing too verbose, either. Author photographs are also welcome, but not essential. Please note that biographies may be edited for design purposes, but will always convey biographical information accurately.
- Any photography/artwork must be of good digital quality with file size no less than 1MB.
- Please send all submissions on or before the current deadline. We cannot accept submissions received after the deadline.
- Copyright remains property of the author.
- Please let us know in your submission email if you are unhappy for your submission to be accompanied with poetry/photography/words/illustrations in the magazine.
What we can offer you
We appreciate that no-one is making any money out of this (but who's to say we're not getting you one step closer to publishing your future best-selling poetry collection?) and, as writers and photographers ourselves, we know what's like to receive impersonal, detached, demoralising feedback. Or no feedback at all.
Here's how we work: after we've reviewed all our submissions, we'll compile a shortlist. Once we've compiled a shortlist, we'll go into editing mode. We'll give you as much feedback as we can (under time constraints); we might suggest edits, ways you could improve, or we may just praise you unconditionally. No artist improves without a second pair of eyes, and luckily for you, we're your second pair of eyes.
Here's how we work: after we've reviewed all our submissions, we'll compile a shortlist. Once we've compiled a shortlist, we'll go into editing mode. We'll give you as much feedback as we can (under time constraints); we might suggest edits, ways you could improve, or we may just praise you unconditionally. No artist improves without a second pair of eyes, and luckily for you, we're your second pair of eyes.
Our blog
Our blog (the one you're reading!) is still in refurbishment. We would to make our blog a place to come to in between issues; a place to pick up helpful tips on writing, photography and artwork, for inspiration and articles and information about synaesthesia. If you would like to be a guest contributor, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!
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